After I went up to Year 11, I started my first class on September 7th, 2016. When I went into the classroom, there were 8 students overall, with the majority of them boys. It was really awkward at first, as we didn't know each other at all. However, it was my job to know them and become closer to them so that we were able to communicate and work out problems together. To start off, we first introduced ourselves - name, age, and one interesting thing about themselves. This activity went pretty well as we got to learn more about each other. Then, they got their computers to set up their accounts for MIT App Inventor. In Year 5, all of the students get their personal gmail, so we used those and finished creating the accounts. However, one big problem was that the emulator on the website needed an update, which took a lot of time to fix as their computers were secured by a school code, and the teachers needed to find the password for it. While it was updating, I explained what we were going to do over the course of the semester. When I looked at their faces, they were more eager than I thought and I knew I had to at least try my best to create a fantastic semester together! :)
The computers were updated, but sadly time ran out and we had to go.