After the first session, we had 2 more days to try out some more examples and go over the basics. We then started to plan for the students' projects that they would have to complete over the semester. The requirements weren't difficult - the game had to include AT LEAST one image, one button and an arrangement. Unfortunately, I wasn't there when this happened - I was away on a service trip to China.
To ensure that the lesson still continued, I sent a basic outline for the students to start planning their games, as I was able to see them when I came back from the trip one week later.
I had a meeting with the teachers to see if the ideas were possible - some were very difficult (which meant that the student would need to simplify their idea), or needed some clarification, which could be done the next coming session. It was interesting to see what ideas that the students had, and how they imagined how their game would look like. Some of them were a lot more creative than I thought, such as throwing cats into a bucket to catch fish, and I was really excited to see their progress.
The attached images are some of their ideas and the layout they used to create their projects.