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FIRST CLASS (well not really)

After a refreshing(?) summer break, we came back together and met all the new kids. We had some familiar faces (Lilly-Anne and Ivan), but the majority were new, which was *great* (when I met some of the OG kids in the cafeteria later on they told me that they signed up too late because the class full - good(?) news I guess? Or is it not?). We introduced ourselves - our names, our year group and one interesting thing about ourselves (sound familiar? ;) ), and went over what we were going to do over the course of a semester. All the kids seemed pretty excited, which made me happy :)

We (Kevin and I) made sure that every student had an account, and we started the most basic tutorial - Hello World. Before this class, Kevin and I wanted to try out new methods of teaching so we decided to play videos and tutorials instead of us doing it with them. Maybe due to this change, unlike last year's class, this group was a lot less chaotic and were able to concentrate a little better.

While playing the video, we made sure that their laptop lids were down so that they could focus on the video, and then would pause for a while to let them try. We made sure to accentuate how they could personalize their games instead of following the video step-by-step.

Having Kevin to help me was one of the best decisions I've made - he would help me teach, and we would be able to grab their attention a lot more than when I tried to do it myself, so if you're planning to make a class like me then make sure to have a partner! :)

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